About Christina

Accepting Experience as my Teacher

From an early age, I was a contemplative, spiritual seeker drawn to self-knowledge and to the deeper nature of mind. I was afforded the privilege to follow my inner callings to devote my life to inner freedom, self-discovery and collective unity.  My personal hardships became the ground for my healing and spiritual awakening. Through a safe, loving, therapeutic relationship, I began to unravel personal difficulties and explore my deepest wish of healing the wounds in my mind, body and heart. Being compassionately witnessed and accepted by another provided a newfound sensibility to draw wisdom from my experiences, to review and survey the processes of life from a deeper perspective. 

Re-Entering the Body

As I began my training as a psychotherapist, being fully present in the face of all that unfolded demanded a more rich and intensive exploration of my inner world. I had vigorously addressed conflicts in my life, yet my physical and energetic body desired wise attention. Overwhelm and discomfort were often lurking in the background and from time to time, emerging and complicating my life experiences. The healing process was far more complex and subtle  than I had realized. Again gifted with care from compassionate mentors, I began the exploration of mindfully slowing down and re-engaging with my body and breath. Paying attention somatically became one of the most radical acts of self-inquiry because it was a direct invitation into my body experienced within. As the sensory details of my experience became clearer, I started to re-learn myself from the inside out with more compassion and ease.

Spending the day in the Beauty of Other’s Lives

My healing path nourishes my desire to be of service. Being a therapist is largely a ‘flow’ experience that is rewarding in itself. There is nothing like the moment of witnessing another have a new, embodied understanding of themselves! It’s a gift to see the world through another’s eyes and share our common humanity for a more peaceful future. As I spend my life being in the presence of others learning to love themselves just as they are instills a deep, important truth: we all hold the capacity to love ourselves into healing. I am so thankful for others sharing their hearts and lives with me.

Formal Education and Training

I received a BA in Psychology with a minor in philosophy and European history and Czech language from Chico State University, CA and Charles University, Czech Republic.  Areas of intensive study included neuroanatomy, behavioral laterality, interoception, metacognition, epistemology, Slavic history, soviet & post-soviet gender studies and central and eastern European politics of the 20th century. In 2018, I received my Masters of Arts in Counseling Psychology with an emphasis in Depth-Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute. Alongside my formal academic education, I have extensive clinical experience with grief and loss, individual and vicarious trauma and somatic depth psychotherapy. Professional, scholastic and experiential learning enlivens my curiosity and keeps me creatively energized!