“Who looks outside, dreams; Who looks inside, awakes.”

~Carl Jung


My Services


It takes time for our life experiences to be digested, processed and fully integrated. Psychotherapy is invitation to heal from the past and to explore and cultivate ways of experiencing life with profound aliveness, purpose, emotional maturity and meaning. Over time, our life experiences become important teachers that tie the outer events of life into inner growth.

*This service is reserved for California residents.

Spiritual Coaching

How do we make meaning out of the events in our lives and understand them with more ease and acceptance? Checking in on a soul level supports the excavation of the inner wisdom buried under challenges faced.

Strengthening the ability to respond to external demands and greeting ordinary moments with greater curiosity and flexibility brings calmness and balance into everyday living. This service is to help you rise into, rather than above life.


Embodied Mindfulness Coaching

Enjoy the feeling of pausing, slowing down and catching the breath. This service explores, extends and strengthens the quiet periods of the mind.

Embodied Mindfulness brings us back into our own body and aliveness, here in the present moment. To investigate the embodied experience is to investigate the living present. Together, we’ll discover your unique way of slowing down to an immediate claim of presence.


Meet Christina

I believe life is not a thing to master but something to participate in with more ease, trust and open-heartedness. I work with a diverse population that has, at its core, the desire to deeply explore the perplexing and often paradoxical experiences of life.

I have many years of experience supporting others heal through a variety of issues including relationship difficulties, grief and loss, end of life passages, phase of life transitions and initiations, fear and panic, attachment injuries, guilt, co-dependency and individual, collective and vicarious trauma.

If you are considering a gentle and warm-hearted approach to self discovery and inner growth, I am ready to journey by your side as a source of guidance and loving kindness.

I have a deep respect for what is possible and welcome the opportunity to serve and support you finding the answers within.